DX'ing the world over


I have started to refurbish my AN/URC-35 (RT-618B transceiver, AM-3007 100w Tube Driven Amplifier) at 180 lbs this was considered a Navy Portable radio and you could put a battery inside of it to run off grid. I call it the "heaviest 100 watts out there)


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Plenty of Time for Communications

My latest project has been to build up a stack of receivers that is utilizing a CU-168 antenna coupler.

receiver stack 2

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Radio Rescue

I picked up a load of Military (Mostly Navy) communication gear from the estate of Jerry Goss. He never had a call sign but was an avid SWL and collector of equipment and parts.

Pasted Graphic


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Home Brew 24v Loop Supply

I set up a pretty elaborate military HQ tent for field day each year. I needed a 170hz terminal unit to receive when I am not working other military collectors.


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Computer Crash

My computer crashed my web-site, well sort of.

Screen Shot 2022-03-27 at 12.18.17 PM

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